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COVID Confusion

To the Editor: An interesting feature of amateur hour with COVID-19 is the frequency with which statements strike suddenly missing scientific substantiation. On the pages of the Record, parties on opposite sides of the vaccine “debate” agree on an “incontrovertible” statement that “People who have had COVID have more natural immunity than the vaccines provide and do not benefit from vaccination” and neither party asserts a source for this misinformation.

That Little Voice

Birthdays are special celebrations, and should be treated as such. As I near my 80 years to celebrate being on this earth, I recall several unique birthdays, and my Mother’s favorite comment when I would reach a milestone year, as on my 40th or 50th or 60th.

H.L. Hunt, Poker Playing Billionaire

By the time their eighth child arrived on Feb.11, 1889, the Hunts were running out of names as well as room. The couple called the boy Haroldson Lafayette Jr., never dreaming he would prefer to go by his initials and someday would be the richest man in America.

Moving Houses and Plowing Potatoes

I was delivered on April 24, 1943 in a farmhouse on the property which is now owned and lived on by my older brother George. I lived in that house from 1943 to 1945, when we swapped houses with my Grandfather John Kana, who at that time lived in the house that my brother, John, lives in today.

Prescribed Fires & Their Needed Role

Prior to modern civilization prescribed fire was used all throughout the world. Indigenous peoples, including North American tribes, used fire as a tool to manage wildlands for resources, much like we do today. However, more modern usage of the use of prescribed fire is derived from its absence during the early 20th century. Many ecosystems thrive because of the presence of fire. A lack of fire in these ecosystems can change the composition and diversity of plant life to that of an undesirable, non-native community. When the use of fire is suppressed, there has been a noticeable increase in the intensity and frequency of wildfires in those areas.

Faith, Hope and Free Will

Mr. Romberg, I disagree with your assessment of the “incontrovertible facts” and your observations.

Sameness vs. Unity

To the editor: I would like to ask Ms. Reid what is ‘the big lie’ she refers to in last week’s letter? I have gotten confused by the ‘Steele dossier,’ the ‘Russian collusion’ fiasco, and all the other false accusations and lies created by and promoted by Democrats in the past four years to block Trump’s agenda and get him out of the White House.


To The Editor: I am responding to Mr. Romberg’s letter in the Feb.

Biden’s Promises

To the editor: Sometimes people just forget to do the things they promised us or told us they would do. Sometimes they had no intention of ever doing them.